On how I became, principally, a ‘nature’ photographer.
When one considers the various kinds of photography any amateur, hobbyist, or professional might find themselves involved in, the options are staggering and seemingly endless. From street photography to wedding photography to newborns or portraits, the art of photography offers an immeasurable number of niches within which to get involved.
My own interest has wandered, perhaps unsurprisingly, “all over the map”. Initially inspired by glossy, popularly respected publications such as National Geographic, I long dreamed (pipe-dreamed?) about being a travel photographer. This may have been why I found myself, after some misdirection, staring down the barrel of several degrees in Geography. Who, but geographers at heart could weave magical tales of untrammeled landscapes and exotic vistas? If pictures were worth a thousand words, surely a geographer with an interest in photography could say so much more?
“Don’t sit and wait.
Get out there, feel life.
Touch the sun and
Immerse in the sea.
In all honesty, my interest in nature photography is a rather selfish venture. Yes, there is the obvious affection for the act of travel. After all, who amongst us has not been struck by wanderlust at least once in a lifetime? Humanity, as a whole, has always preferred to be on the precipice of exploration. From the real frontiers of an ever-expanding colonial world, to the vast depths of the ocean, to the uncharted reaches of space, to the inner-workings of our very minds, exploration has been crucial to our evolution as a species. But I must confess that my own interest in photography and in travel stems from a simple desire to “be” in nature. To get lost with the sand beneath my feet. To bask in bewilderment at an unfettered landscape. To listen in awe at the keening cry of a whip-or-will. There is something about nature that brings my soul peace. And while I can snap photos at family gatherings or set up a long-exposure in the midst of a busy intersection, my heart will always call me home.
Chasing the light,

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